About me

Likes, Activities and Hobbies


Image of an Ariel Atom

I have always been a big fan of cars, and I like learning how mechanisms inside of cars work. I was really excited to take driver's ed, and I believe I did very well in the course.


Image of the logo for the coding language, C sharp

I am certified in coding C# in Unity. I had a lot of fun making games last year in game design and I plan on doing it again this year.


Imgage of an acoustic guitar

I am a decent guitar player. I took lessons from the summer after second grade to the end of the summer before sixth grade. I didn't play it much during middle school, but I have gotten back into it recently, and I have been learning some songs that I like. Some of those include Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High, and Crying Lightning both by Arctic Monkeys. While I was in middle school I played trumpet and got very good at that. I still play it every once in a while as well.


Logo of the band Arctic Monkeys

I listen to music while I do just about anything. I like to listen to music while I work, and it just gives me something to listen to rather than complete silence. The bands and artists that I listen to the most are Arctic Monkeys, AJR, and BoyWithUke.